Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s)

We hope this newsletter finds you and your family well. We have several items that we would like to bring to your attention. Firstly, we would like to express our pride in each of our 2nd year pupils; they have made a great start to second year and we want to thank you for your continued support.


As you are aware the Dialann is the main form of communication between school and home. Teachers regularly write notes informing you of areas where your child is excelling or areas where they can improve, also any important notices or poor behaviour issues are recorded here. We ask that you check the Dialann daily to monitor and keep abreast of your child’s progress. Please initial or sign notes in the comment section to let us know you have received and read them. We have been encouraging students to record their homework and revision in the relevant section of their Dialann. You should be able to monitor your child’s academic assignments from here. The pages at the back of the Dialann can be used to communicate any absences or any early excuse absences. We ask that you cover the Dialann in clear contact to ensure it remains intact all year long!

Attendance and Punctuality

We would first like to congratulate the majority of the students who have excellent attendance and punctuality records so far, this is commendable and a credit to them and to you. Where a student is unavoidably absent, we ask that absence notes are filled in the blue section of the Dialann and shown to their Caomhnóir immediately on their return to school. Please keep us informed of any absences. A reminder that any absences above 10 days will be noted in written form home even when parents have communicated with us in relation to such absences. We are mandated by the government under the Child Welfare Act to report absences above 20 days to Tusla. You will also be written to you if your child reaches 20 days absence,

Registration is taken in assembly and students should arrive to school no later than 8.30am to ensure that they have time to get their books and materials ready for their classes and that they are ready to start registration at 8.40. Where students are unavoidably late, they must sign in via the main office.

Extra-curricular Activities

It is wonderful to see so many second-year students taking part in extra-curricular activities since last year and we wish to encourage all students to take-up an extra-curricular activity. This enriches their school experience and is a great way of making new friends and building relationships with staff.


Thank you for your support with the uniform policy, there are still a number of students presenting to school in the incorrect uniform particularly shoes. Please contact the school if you have any difficulties. The correct items of the uniform and shoes are detailed on Pgs. 29 – 31 of the Dialann. We remind you to please label all items so that if they get lost, we can return them to the students with greater ease. We encourage students to leave their ties in their lockers as they must be worn when students remove their jumpers.

The school environment

Students are reminded that they must use their Ratoath College bottle as we are a single-use plastic free school. We remind students to ensure to take care of their belongings and keep the school environment clean and litter free. Students must bring a reusable bottle and lunchbox with them for school. Please label these items clearly.

Classroom Based Assessments

Students will be starting to complete classroom-based assessments (CBAs) this year in a number of subjects. These form part of their Junior Cycle profile of achievement alongside their results of their Junior Certificate exams which they will complete at the end of third year. Students will be given support and guidance from their subject teachers on the completion of these tasks.

Anti-bullying procedures

We continue to remind students about our anti-bullying procedures. Students must show respect to all fellow students and staff. Where students wish to report incidents of poor behaviour from fellow students they must complete a form which is available in Ms Flynn’s office and on the 2nd year wellbeing board. This can be given to Ms Flynn or placed in the anti-bullying box outside Mr Gueret’s office. It is important that all members of our school community feel happy and safe in school.

Procedures for going home sick

We would like to remind you that if your child is sick that they must contact a member of staff who will phone home on their behalf. Those who contact home on their mobile phones will have their phone confiscated in line with our mobile phone policy. This is to ensure the health and safety of all pupils.

Points system

In line with our Mol an Oige system we will be awarding students points for the good notes and achievements in the Dialann but withdrawing points for unexcused lates and bad notes. This is a great system for motivating students to achieve their potential and work as classes to earn rewards.

Dates for your diary

Staff meeting- School finishes at 14.30- September 12th Sports day- September 27th
School closed- September 28th/29th
Open evening- October 5th

Midterm break- School closed October 30th- November 3rd

We would like to thank you for your support and engagement with the school throughout the first term and we look forward to continuing to work with you as we support your child through their secondary school journey.

Paola Flynn (Moltóir), Dervilla Bailey, Gillian Callan, Laura Commons
Roisin Conaty, Sophie Gerrard, Richard Moynihan, Nicole Mitchell (Caomhnóirí)