Digital Learning


Webwise is the Irish Internet Safety Awareness Centre and promotes the autonomous, effective, and safer use of the internet by young people through a sustained information and awareness strategy targeting parents, teachers, and children themselves with consistent and relevant messages.

To view the Webwise Parents Hub, click the button below.

Digital Learning Framework

In 2015, the Department of Education launched a new Digital Strategy for Schools, covering the period 2015-2020. A new digital strategy covering the period up to 2027 was published in 2022.

The first Digital Strategy was followed by the Digital Learning Framework to guide greater integration and development of digital technology in learning and teaching in all schools. In 2017-18, Ratoath College piloted the Digital Learning Framework, with all schools coming under the framework from 2018-19. More information on the DES Digital Strategy and the Digital Learning Framework can be found below.

Digital Devices for Learning in school

The school is equipped with two permanent IT labs, each with 30 desktop PCs. As well as the labs, teachers use mobile laptop and device trolleys to enable students to access digital devices for learning in school.

Office 365 & Microsoft Teams

Students have access to the full suite of Microsoft Office 365 apps, including Outlook for their school email, through their school account. 

Teachers and students use Microsoft Teams as our Virtual Learning Environment.

Teachers use this platform to share learning resources with students, set and mark assignments and to collate revision and study materials.