5th Year PTS Meetings 23/24 – Appointment Schedule

Your schedule of appointments for Thursday’s Parent Teacher Student meetings is now available via the button below. 

To access your schedule, log in the same way you did to enter your preferences. 

Students will be provided with a hard copy of their schedule in school. 

Please note, as previously advised, if you did not enter any preferences, no appointments have been scheduled for you and it is no longer possible to schedule appointments.

Please note the following important points:

  • Meetings are strictly limited to 5 minutes duration.
  • Due to time constraints and some teachers having more than one 5th Year group, it may not be possible for you to meet with all of your child’s teachers.
  • If your child’s teacher for a particular subject does not appear on the list when you log in, this teacher is unavailable for the meeting on Thursday, 14th March. If you wish to arrange a meeting with this teacher on a separate date, please contact them directly through your child’s Dialann.
  • On the day of the meetings, you and your child should log in to your child’s school Teams account to access the meetings at the scheduled times.
  • Once you join a meeting, you will enter a ‘waiting room’ and your child’s teacher will admit you and your child to the meeting at your scheduled time.