Remote Learning

Introduction and Rationale

We have devised this plan to reflect the changed circumstances brought about by Covid -19 and the significant increase in the use of technology to continue learning and teaching. This plan does not introduce any new concepts, rather it specifically outlines the various applications used for the delivery of online classes remotely should this become necessary as a result of public health advice.

Acceptable Usage Policy

This plan should be read in conjunction with the school’s Acceptable Usage Policy.

The School Day

All students will be expected to take part in their normal school day and follow their normal school timetable – beginning with period one at 08.50 and ending at 15.30, or 13.15 on Fridays.

A blended approach to e-learning will be take place and a variety of teaching methods may be used throughout the school day. Teachers will post material, tasks, assignments, videos or hold live classes on Teams at the times you would expect to have them each day according to your normal timetable.

Remote Learning Platforms & Online Accounts

Currently we use the Microsoft Teams (Office 365) platform in the school. In general, your teachers will continue to use the platform you are used to. If you have any issues with your school Office 365 accounts, contact your Moltóir for assistance:
Currently we use the Microsoft Teams (Office 365) platform in the school. In general, your teachers will continue to use the platform you are used to. If you have any issues with your school Office 365 accounts, contact your Moltóir for assistance:

Access to the internet/devices

If you are having difficulty with your internet access or with accessing a device for remote learning, please contact your Moltóir as soon as possible to let them know.

It may also be helpful to note that games consoles – such as Playstation 4/Xbox – can also be used to access Teams for remote learning using the built in web browser.

Children with Special Educational Needs

There are a range of supports available for parents of students with SEN. More information on the supports available from the NCSE is available here.

Students with SEN will continue to be supported by their teachers and SNAs remotely. If you have any queries in relation to this, contact the SEN Co-ordinator, Ms English – [email protected].


Looking after ourselves and each other in the weeks ahead is going to be very important, as it has been throughout the period of this crisis that we are living through.

The DES has created a central store of resources to support parents and students in looking after their Wellbeing during this difficult period and the school’s Pastoral Care team remains available to you.

If you feel you are in need of support – contact your Moltóir.

Collective Responsibilities while engaging in e-learning:

For Staff and Teachers:

For Students:

For Parents/Guardians