3rd Year: End of Year

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We hope this letter finds you well.

As Moltóir to our 3rd year students I would like to take this opportunity to praise the students on all their efforts over the last three years. They are a wonderful group of young adults and we are very proud of them and of all that they have achieved to date.

As we enter the last weeks of term we would like to bring a few pieces of information to your attention and also to ask for your continued support in these important areas:

  1. Important Dates For Your Diary

The 3rd Year Graduation Ceremony will take place on Wednesday May 22nd 14:00 here in the school. We hope you can join us in celebrating the end of your child’s Junior Cycle time in Ratoath College.

The Junior Cycle exams will commence on Wednesday June 5th.  Each student will be issued with a copy of the exam timetable. We ask that you familiarise yourselves with the times, dates and equipment needed for each exam. As is tradition, the school will provide breakfast for the students on the first morning of their exams. The school doors will open at the usual time of 08.20 each morning. 

  1. Work Ethic and General Behaviour

It is very important that as a school community we continue to strive for excellence and we would encourage all students to continue to behave in an exemplary manner.  As a year group the 3rd years have always been noted for their strong work ethic and excellent behaviour. We would ask you have a word with your child to encourage this level of work and good behaviour to continue for the remainder of the term.

  1. Uniform

The standard of the regular and PE uniform in 3rd year is excellent. We are very proud of our uniform and the respect our students have for it. It is important that we maintain these high standards so can you please ensure that your child wears the correct full uniform to school each day for the remainder of the term. Students are not permitted to wear non-uniform items of clothing. While sitting their Junior Cycle exams in June students are not permitted to wear their P.E uniform. Students must also wear the correct footwear in June. 

  1. Attendance & Punctuality

I would first like to congratulate the students on their attendance records to date; this is commendable to them and yourselves. It is imperative that every effort is made and that students attend on a regular basis. Please keep us informed of any planned absences and may we remind you that a written explanation in the Dialann is required when your child returns to school following an absence. A reminder that students should be arriving at school from 08.20 to give themselves time to prepare for the day and be in their base classrooms for 08.40.

Students must arrive in plenty of time for their scheduled exams in June. 

  1. Book Rental

As students finish each exam, we ask that students leave their books that they are no longer using in the GP Area for collection. It is important that all book rental books are returned as senior cycle books will not be issued until junior cycle books are returned.

Once again, thank you for your continued support and should you have any concerns or queries please do not hesitate to contact us.


Ciara Casey (Moltóir), 

Róisín Bruce, Jamie Davis, Ríona Fox, Kelly Jackson, Patrick McAuley, Shane Walshe, Robert Wogan (Caomhnóiri)

3rd Year Team