5th Year: End of Term

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),

We hope this update finds you well.

As Moltóir to our 5th year students I would like to take this opportunity to praise the students on all their ongoing efforts. They are a wonderful group of young adults and we are very proud of them and have high hopes for all they will achieve over the next year as they continue to prepare for their Leaving Certificate Exams.

As we enter the last weeks of term we would like to bring a few pieces of information to your attention and also to ask for your continued support in these important areas:

Exams & ePortal Access

Examinations for 5th years will take place from Friday 24th – Thursday 30th May. This is a great time for students to develop exam skills, manage themselves and challenge their current knowledge of their subjects.

It is vital that students approach these examinations seriously, any students causing a disruption/distraction will be removed from the exam centre and parents will be notified.

Students are not allowed to share equipment in the State Exams, therefore, all students must have access to their own calculators, Log Tables, mathematical sets, pens, pencils and all other necessary stationary in these examinations.

The exam schedule is below. Students are allowed to leave the school premises if they have a break longer than 30 minutes between exams and when their exams are completed for the day. They must be in the correct exam centre at least 10 minutes before the official start time in order to be ready to begin promptly and may not leave the exam early. Students arriving late will not be permitted into the exam room and will forfeit that result.

We expect to publish the results of these exams mid-June. Please check that you can access ePortal and if you have lost your ePortal access information please contact me before the end of May. 

Studying additional subjects for the Leaving Certificate

Every year a number of students complete independent studies in subjects outside of their official school timetable. If an additional subject is being studied by your student ,and if you haven’t already, please inform me of these subjects so that I can put the student forward to be registered for their State Examinations in their additional subject. 

Mobile phones

We would like to remind students that mobile phones must be powered off during school hours.  If students are unwell they can inform the class teacher, supervisor on duty, Caomhnóir or Moltóir and not make contact with home themselves. We appreciate your support in this area by reminding your student of the school rules. 


There have been some growth spurts over the few months as our teenagers become the most Senior students in the building. Replacement uniform items for August can be ordered from Blondelles  or School Uniforms direct

This year group have been very well presented in their uniform so far and we will maintain these expectations as we move into 6th year. 

While it is difficult to comprehend the passing of time and that our young adults are nearly embarking on their final year in Secondary School the summer will pass quickly and the school will reopen for the future 6th year students on Wednesday August 21st @ 8.40 am. 

We would like to wish you and our students a good Summer and we look forward to welcoming them back as 6th years. 

Le gach dea-ghuí,

Rita Donnellan


[email protected]