Planning for 2024-25 & Student Direct Costs

Dear parent(s)/guardian(s),

As we approach the end of another school year, we want to take this opportunity to thank you once again for your continued support and cooperation.

We are, as ever, deeply proud of the consistent efforts of our students towards reaching their potential and we wish our Third and Sixth Year students the very best for the forthcoming State Exams.

We also want to pay a special tribute to our staff, whose professionalism and dedication are a source of great pride for us.

Planning for the 2024-2025 school year is well advanced at this stage and we ask that you please read the information below carefully to ensure we are all in the best position possible to make the 2024-2025 school year as successful as possible for all concerned.

To those of you who will be joining the Ratoath College community for the first time in the new academic year, we are looking forward to welcoming you. A reminder to keep an eye on the 1st Year 2024-2025 page on the website for updates.

New Junior Cycle Book Scheme 2024-2025

As you may be aware, the Minister for Education recently announced a new scheme covering all Junior Cycle (1st, 2nd and 3rd year) students that will provide all required books and a specified list of everyday school equipment for all students in Junior Cycle free of charge. Books will be made available to students on the same basis as with our book rental scheme but without the usual cost to parents. This is very welcome news and will remove a significant back to school cost for parents of Junior Cycle students. 

Alongside textbooks, the scheme also covers core classroom resources that students need for school including:

  • Dialann
  • 12 copies
  • 1 display A4 plastic folder
  • 1 plastic zip A4 folder/carry case
  • Maths formulae & tables/log book
  • Scientific calculator
  • Dictionaries 

Note that equipment covered by the scheme (eg copies/folders etc) will be distributed to students at the beginning of the school year and that the scheme does not cover replacements for this type of equipment during the course of the school year. 

Anything not provided for under the scheme will be included on the usual Book and Equipment lists which will issue during the summer holidays.

Note that the scheme does not cover TY, 5th Year or 6th Year.

Guidance for parents issued by the Department of Education about the scheme is available here.

As a result of the new scheme, we are delighted to be able to reduce the student direct costs for students in 1st, 2nd and 3rd year by approximately 60%.

Student Direct Costs 2024-2025

The payment link for Student Direct Costs for 2024-2025 will be issued in the coming days.

The breakdown of these costs for 2024-2025 is included below. They have been agreed by our Board of Management and approved by the board of LMETB. This money funds, for example, 24 hour student insurance, lockers, extra-curricular costs, as well as a wide range of teaching, learning and assessment materials and activities. See the button below for a full breakdown of costs by year group.

Thanks to the new Junior Cycle books scheme, costs for 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students have been significantly reduced while costs for TY, 5th and 6th year continue to be maintained at their previous level.

We are acutely aware that many of our families will be experiencing challenging financial circumstances that will make it difficult for them to pay the Student Direct Costs for next year. If you find yourself in this situation, please make contact with the school in confidence as soon as possible.

Payments can only be made using our online payment provider, Way2Pay

You will receive a text message containing a secure link to make your payment in the coming days.

You can choose to pay the full amount for each child now, or to pay in instalments using the payment schedule below.

We ask that the 1st instalment (or the full amount) for each student is paid by Monday, 27th May 2024.

If you have any queries in relation to payments, please contact the Main Office:

Phone: 01 825 4102

Email: [email protected]

Note that certain subjects have curricular elements that require students to take part in off-site activities, such as Leaving Cert Geography, Biology and PE. These costs are not included in the breakdown below as they don’t apply to all students. Where such costs exist, they will be advised on the Book and Equipment lists issued over the summer holidays and collected via Way2Pay close to the time of the trip/activity.

For Transition Year, the cost of all trips and activities are included in the costs listed below.

Click/tap the button below for the full breakdown of student direct costs by year group:

Students Not Returning

A reminder that, if your child is not returning to the school in September, please let us know as soon as possible by contacting your child’s Moltóir or the Main Office.


Uniforms are available from and Blondelles.

For incoming first year students, visit the First Year 2024-2025 page on our website for more information on uniforms and uniform fittings.

Our Uniform Policy is available on our website.

End of Year Assessment & Reports – 1st, 2nd, TY & 5th Year

Assessments will take place for students in First and Fifth Year from Friday 24th May to Thursday 30th May. As previously advised, there are no formal end of year assessments for 2nd Year students. 

End of year reports for 1st, 2nd, TY and 5th Year students will be available on ePortal in mid-June.

End of ePortal

These will be the final school reports issued on ePortal. From the beginning of the new school year, the computer system we use to manage the day-to-day operation of the school as well as to manage all student data, including academic reports, will be replaced by a new, more modern system called Compass.

This is a very positive development and, we trust, will assist us in achieving significant efficiencies and improvements in how we manage student data as well as improving and streamlining the way you access information about your child in school and the way the school communicates with you. 

We will be in contact with you early in the new school year with more information about the new system and the steps you will need to take once it is up and running. 

State Exams – 3rd and 6th Year

For 3rd and 6th year students, state exams begin on Wednesday, 5th June 2024. Practical and oral exams in various subjects have been taking place over the last few weeks. In order for 3rd and 6th years to have the best chance of achieving their full potential in their state exams, it is crucial that their attendance in school and focus in class does not waver over these last few days.

Timetables for the state exams are available below.

As is customary, breakfast will be served for all 3rd and 6th Year students on the morning of their first exam from 08.30 and we trust you will join us in wishing all students the very best with their exams.


Note the following important dates for the remainder of the school year:
Thursday 16th May Class of 2024 Prayer Service, 14.00, Holy Trinity Church, Ratoath
Thursday 16th May Transition Year Graduation – TYs finish
Friday 17th May 6th Years fun day
Monday 20th May, 17.00 6th Year Graduation
Wednesday 23nd May, 14.00 Third Year Service – Third Years finish
Friday 24th May – Thursday 30th May Assessments for 1st and 5th Year students (normal class for 2nd Year students)
Friday 31st May 1st, 2nd and 5th year students finish at 12.30. Summer Holidays begin
Wednesday 5th June State Exams begin

New School Entrance

As you will have noticed, the new entrance to the school onto the Ratoath Outer Relief Road is nearing completion. Once the school year has concluded, works within the school grounds required to facilitate the new entrance, such as the renewal of line-markings etc, can take place and it is our expectation that the new entrance will be in use for the new school year and we will communicate details of this over the summer holidays once finalised.

Fun Run Fundraiser

Thank you all most sincerely for your support of our recent fundraiser. The total amount raised has now exceeded €10,000 and will be of enormous benefit as we look to renew and improve our sporting equipment and facilities going forward.

Planning for 2024-2025

The 2024-2025 school year will commence from Wednesday 21st August 2024 for 6th year students, with all other year groups returning over the subsequent few days. We will let you know about specific dates and times for each year group during the summer holidays.

Please note that Book & Equipment Lists will issue over the course of the summer holidays.

Once again, we deeply appreciate your help and support this year.

Yours faithfully,