Relationships and Sexuality Education Module
Dear Parent/Guardian,
As part of the Social, Personal and Health Education curriculum your son/daughter will be offered a module on Relationship and Sexuality Education during SPHE class over the next term. This is a continuation of the programme they have received in primary school.
According to the SPHE curriculum and guidelines here are learning intentions to be covered with First Years in the RSE module. These are:
3.1 reflect on the values, behaviours and skills that help to make, sustain and end relationships respectfully with friends, family and romantic/intimate relationships
3.2 examine benefits and difficulties experienced by young people in a range of relationships – friendships, family relationships, and romantic/intimate relationships
3.3 identify signs of healthy, unhealthy and abusive relationships
3.4 appreciate the importance of setting healthy boundaries in relationships and consider how to show respect for the boundaries of others
3.5 consider the importance of taking care of their reproductive health
3.6 appreciate the breadth of what constitutes human sexuality, and how sexual orientation and gender identity are experienced and expressed in diverse ways
3.7 explore the pressures to become sexually intimate and discuss ways to show respect for people’s choices
3.8 appreciate the importance of seeking, giving and receiving consent in sexual relationships, from the perspective of building caring relationships and from a legal perspective
3.9 explain the importance of safer sexual activity with reference to methods of contraception and protection against sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
3.10 discuss the influence of popular culture and the online world, in particular, the influence of pornography, on young people’s understanding, expectations and social norms in relation to sexual expression
3.11 demonstrate how to access and appraise appropriate and trustworthy advice, support and services related to relationships and sexual health.
There is a parent’s booklet “Going Forward Together” available to view here. Click the link below. This contains an outline of the curriculum, the aims of RSE and some frequently asked questions. This is also available through your son/daughter’s SPHE teacher should you require a hard copy.
If you decide that you do not want your son/daughter to receive this module in school, then please write a note into school in your child’s dialann. Should you choose this option then arrangements will be made to remove your son/daughter from the class during the lessons and then as a parent you take on the responsibility of teaching RSE. Should you have any other questions please contact Ms Martin or Ms O Sullivan at the school and they will try to answer any concerns you may have.
Parents may find the following resources helpful:
The school has no responsibility for any information which the pupil may receive outside the direct teaching of R.S.E. lessons.