Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
We hope this notice finds you and your family well,
Supervised Study for Third & Sixth year students will take place each Monday to Thursday evening inclusive and will be supervised by staff. The sessions are from:
- Third Year: 15:40 – 17:10 (1.5 hours)
- Sixth Year: 15:40 – 17:40 (2 hours)
This term’s block will run from Wednesday September 11th – Thursday December 13th. Students who sign-up should bring a snack for between school and after-school study.
Please note there will be no supervised study on the following dates:
- Wednesday 25.09.24 – Sports Day
- Thursday 26.09.24 – School Closed
- Thursday 03.10.24 – Open Evening
- Wednesday 09.10.24 – 6th year theatre trip to King Lear (3rd year study will continue)
- Thursday 17.10.24 Parent-Teacher-Student meeting 3rd year
- Monday 28.10.24 – Thursday 31.10.24 – Mid-Term Break
- Thursday 7.11.24 – Parent-Teacher-Student meeting 2nd year
- Thursday 21.11.24 Parent-Teacher- Student meeting 6th year
- Monday 02.12.24 & Tuesday 03.12.24 – School Closed
- Thursday 5.12.24 Parent-Teacher-Student meeting 1st year
The cost of this block is:
- €116 for 3rd year students.
- €150 for Senior Cycle students.
Half or Full payment must be made on or before Fri. September 6th. Full payment must be made on or before October 25th. If you wish to arrange to pay in instalments, please contact Ms. Flynn or Ms. Donnellan. Should any student be found disrupting supervised study they will be asked to leave, will not be permitted to return to supervised study during this term and will forfeit their fee.
If you would like your son / daughter to take part in supervised study, please register immediately and pay using our ‘Way2Pay’ system via the school website.
Places will be filled on a first come basis and a minimum of 25 students are required to run a centre.
Le gach dea-ghuí,
Paola Flynn – 3rd Year Moltóir
Rita Donnellan – 6th Year Moltóir