Transition Year 2023-2024

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We are writing to you all in relation to the Transition Year (TY) programme 2023-2024. Transition year is a very successful and sought-after programme in Ratoath College and so in third year we write to parents/guardians to inform them of this process. This year the selection process will take place before Christmas. If your son/daughter wishes to apply for a place on the programme we ask you to note the following:

To apply for a place students must complete an online application form, the link for this will be provided Friday November 18th at 13.30. There is also a short section on this form for parents/guardians to complete.

– Students are then assigned a group task to complete.

– Students may then be asked to attend a group interview and/or individual interview.

– The coordinator will grade the students on punctuality and attendance.

– The coordinator will examine all the applicant’s dialanns and grade them under the following criteria; upkeep of the dialann, good notes and bad notes for disorganisation, homework and behaviour.

These points will be graded to determine the students’ suitability for the programme. A further individual interview may be deemed necessary to complete the application process.

The application form should be completed and submitted by Monday November 28th at 16.00. We endeavour to have the application process completed and offer of places completed by Monday December 12th  

Information regarding the TY programme will also be included in the information evening for parents/guardians regarding Senior cycle on Tuesday November 15th at 19.00 in the school.

If you have any queries in relation to the TY programme , please contact the TY coordinator Aisling Savage on (01) 8254102 or via email at [email protected] .

Yours sincerely,

Ms. Aisling Savage (TY Co-Ordinator) and Ms. Rita Donnellan (3rd Year Moltóir)