Welcome – First Year Class of 2024

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I hope this letter finds you well. It is with great enthusiasm that I welcome you and your child to Ratoath College as you embark on this exciting journey into the First Year of secondary school. 

My name Andrew Mooney, and I am looking forward to working with both you and your child over the coming years as your child’s Moltóir (Year Head).

Starting secondary school is a significant milestone, one that will bring both excitement and nervousness. Our team is dedicated to ensuring a smooth and successful transition for your child. Our primary goal is to create a supportive and stimulating environment where every student feels valued and encouraged to reach their full potential.

To help achieve this, I would appreciate if you would discuss key rules and expectations with your child.

Attendance & Punctuality

Regular attendance and being on time are crucial for academic success and personal growth. Please ensure your child arrives at school by 8.30 AM each day and is prepared to engage fully in their classes. Registration is taken in Assembly and students should arrive to school no later than 8.30am to ensure that they have time to get their books and materials ready for their classes and that they are ready to start Assembly at 8.40. Where students are unavoidably late, they must sign in via the main office. Students who arrive late to school will be asked to make up time lost.

Please keep us informed of any absences.  Any absences above 10 days will be noted in written form home even when parents have communicated with us in relation to such absences. We are mandated by the government under the Education (Welfare) Act 2000 to report absences above 20 days to Tusla, the Child and Family Agency. You will also be written to you if your child reaches 20 days absence.


The Dialann (school journal) is the main form of communication between school and home. Teachers regularly write notes informing you of areas where your child is excelling or areas where they can improve, also any important notices or poor behaviour issues are recorded here. 

We ask that you check the Dialann daily to monitor and keep abreast of your child’s progress. Please initial or sign notes in the comment section to let us know you have received and read them. 

Students will  record their homework and revision in the relevant section of their Dialann. You should be able to monitor your child’s academic assignments from here. The pages at the back of the Dialann can be used to communicate any absences or any early excuse absences. 


We are very proud of our uniform and the respect our students have for it. We have no doubt that this group of students will continue to maintain high standards with regards our uniform. 

Can I ask you to please label all items so that if they get lost, we can return them to the students with greater ease. 

Students are not permitted to wear non-uniform items of clothing, including jackets and footwear. Where a student presents to school without their correct uniform, they may be asked to go home to change.

Please note the following important uniform reminders:

  • Only the school jacket may be worn to and from school. No other jackets are permitted.
  • Footwear must be black leather only. Canvas shoes or shoes with coloured logos or labels are not permitted. 
  • We ask that students only wear their PE uniform on the days that they have PE. 

Please review the Uniform Policy so that you are in the best position to ensure your child adheres to it consistently.

Mobile Phones & Devices

Mobile Phones are not permitted at the school and phones will be confiscated from students. Students are not permitted to contact parent(s)/guardian(s) during the school day via their own phone, this must be done through myself or the main office.  


We expect all students to treat their peers, teachers, and school staff with kindness and respect at all times. Both teaching and learning and the safety of all students is of the utmost importance. 

Any disrespect or disruptive behaviour will not be tolerated and will be dealt with in line with our Code of Behaviour. Our school has a positive behaviour policy in place to promote a safe and welcoming environment for everyone.

Assigned Caomhnóir Classes

Each student will be assigned a Caomhnóir and a Caomhnóir class. I would appreciate if you could communicate with your child that no changes of Caomhnóir class are possible. Each class is currently full. In addition, each class has been carefully selected to take into consideration option subjects, language choices, mixed ability teaching, feeder primary school and gender balance.

Options Subjects

Students will be given their option subjects when they receive their timetable. Every effort has been made to ensure your child receives their chosen options. However, please be advised that some objects are in high demand and maybe oversubscribed. 

When your child’s timetabled classes begin, some may feel they would be suited to another option. They will be given the opportunity to request an option change if space allows. Please be advised that a full week of timetabled classes must run before requests are sought and that early requests will not be accepted. 

All students will get the same opportunity to request and change and all option changes  that are possible will be made at the same time.

Extra-Curricular Activities

All students are strongly encouraged to take-up an extra-curricular activity when they start in August. There is a wide variety of sporting, cultural and musical activities for students to take part in. 

We will be hosting Our annual Extra-Curricular fair in early September for First Year students. These activities enrich students school experience and are a great way of making new friends and building relationships with staff. Participation in Extra-Curricular and Co-Curricular activities outside the classroom enriches a students experience of school. For Junior Cycle students, participation in Extra-Curricular activities can be recorded on their JCPA.

Student Supports, Pastoral Care & Managing the Transition to Second Level

We understand that the transition from primary school to secondary school can be challenging and all First Year students will taking part in a Transition Programme to help them manage the challenges of this.

The school has a strong system of Student Support and Pastoral Care to assist students who may be experiencing challenges that affect them in school. Should you wish your child to avail of any of these supports, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Points System

In line with our school motto and ethos of Mol an Óige, we will be awarding students Points for the good notes and achievements in their Dialann but withdrawing points for unexcused lates and bad notes. In our experience, this system has proved very successful in motivating students to achieve their potential and work together with their whole class to earn rewards. 

Important Dates & Times

The updated school calendar for the new year will be issued in the coming days. In the meantime, please note carefully these important dates and times for your child’s first few days as a member of the Ratoath College Community:

Thursday August 22nd – 14.00: Incoming 1st Year students
and their parents will have an induction and welcome at 14.00.

Friday August 23rd – 08.40: 1st Year students will have a bonding morning with Cinnirí (senior student leaders) and time with their Caomhnóirí.

Monday August 26th – 11.30 – 15.30: Timetabled classes for all students.

I look forward to meeting both you and your child in next week and wish them and you the very best as they embark on this next stage of their journey.

Yours faithfully.

Andrew Mooney
First Year Moltóir