Dear Parents/Guardians,
We are just writing to send you a few updates and important reminders in relation to our first-year students. Well done to those who have already received kindness awards we look forward to giving out more in the coming weeks!
Students should be in the building from 8.20 to allow them sufficient time to go to their lockers and set themselves up for the day. Students are advised to be in by 8.30 to be ready for registration which takes place from 8.40-8.50. This time is when all the essential announcements are made for the day and the roll call taken, notes signed and dialanns checked.
The Dialann
Students are asked to bring the dialann home each night. Homework should be recorded accurately in the dialann. Please sign or initial any notes in the comments section and check this daily. Where a student is absent, please ensure that an absence note is filled in on the blue section so they can show their caomhnoir on their return to school.
Healthy Eating
As per our healthy eating policy in the dialann we encourage students to bring a healthy lunch to school. Crisps, chocolate and fizzy drinks are not allowed. We have noticed an increasing number of students bringing little or no lunch with them to school. The school day is long, and it is very important that students have sufficient food to fuel themselves for the day. Water fountains are available to students but they must bring their reusable bottle with them.
The student reports on the January assessments will be available shortly on Eportal. We ask that you complete the Parents/Guardians Comments Page on pg 201 after having discussed the report with your child. If you have any concerns about a particular subject, please contact the subject teacher. We are working with the students on academic tracking and students should be completing pgs 203- 208 in the dialann to set targets for their summer assessments.
Extra-curricular activities.
We encourage all first years to get involved in an extra-curricular activity. This is a great for building relationships between students and staff and great for well-being. You can find a copy of the timetable below.
The first-year team
Paola Flynn, Dervilla Bailey, Gillian Callan, Kevin Farrell, Sophie Gerrard, Jane Lawler, Mohammed Nissar, and Richard Moynihan