RC Fun Run Fundraiser – Sports Day May 23

As the date approaches for our first annual Fun Run fundraiser, plans for the event are taking shape. 

As previously advised, students were today issued with a Sponsorship Card that they will return to school after the event together with the funds they have raised. 

Parents and families can also contribute if you wish using Way2Pay. You will receive a payment link later today, or log in to Way2Pay at any time. The amount has been set at €25 which can be adjusted if you wish. If you would like to make a donation in excess of this, please contact Lilly in the office and she will arrange this for you.

We are as ever deeply grateful for the support of the school community as we embark on this venture with a view to ensuring the young people of our community have access to high-quality, modern and safe sports and PE equipment and facilities into the future.

Full details about the event and the purpose of our fundraiser are included here again below.

The first annual Ratoath College Fun Run Fundraiser will take place on 3rd May 2024. The run will take place as part of Sports Day with staff participating alongside all students.

The event forms part of a major fundraising initiative towards our goal of renewing and improving sports and physical activity facilities and equipment in the school.

From the school’s establishment nearly twenty years ago, it has always been clear to us that sport and physical activity are hugely important parts of community life in Ratoath and Curragha. We see this in school every day, from the unparalleled numbers of students who walk and cycle to school, to huge levels of participation by students in sports of all codes both in school and in the community as well as in the enthusiastic participation of students in PE and in the enormous levels of interest and participation in the new Leaving Cert exam PE.

We are proud to be part of a community that values sport and an active lifestyle and works so hard and so successfully to promote those values in young people. We value very deeply the excellent relationships and cooperation we have developed over the years with local clubs and organisations whose volunteers work tirelessly to provide access for the young people of our communities with the highest quality coaching and facilities. Together with them, we all pull in the same direction with the same goal – to instill in our young people a deep and positive understanding of the value that sport and physical activity can bring to their lives, for their health, their wellbeing, their relationships, their enjoyment, and their success.

We take very seriously the responsibility that comes with being in the unique position of having access on a daily basis to almost every young person in the communities we serve and, as such, as a school community we have worked hard over the last twenty years to do our part in sharing and teaching the value of participation in sport and physical activity with our students and they are and always have been a central part of school life, day in and day out.

After twenty years however, some of the sports and PE equipment and facilities that are needed to impart these crucial values are now in need of replacement, refurbishment or improvement.

Unfortunately, the Department of Education does not provide funding for this nor is the school eligible to apply for the Sports Capital Grant/National Lottery funding and our annual non-capital funding simply does not allow for the kind of investment that is now necessary, particularly with the dramatic increases in everyday costs that we have all experienced over the last number of years.

As a result, the fundraising initiative that we are launching today has the goal of ensuring that our students and teachers have access to high-quality, modern and safe sports and PE equipment and facilities into the future.

Our priorities for this project are as follows:

The Fitness Suite

  • After almost 20 years of use, much of the equipment in our Fitness Suite is beyond the help of ongoing repairs and maintenance. As a result, this space is no longer usable with class groups.
  • With new curriculum changes at Junior Cycle and with the ever increasing popularity of the new Leaving Cert exam PE, the need for and value of this space for students is only increasing.
  • Funds raised will therefore be used to purchase new and improved equipment and to expand the Fitness Suite into an adjacent space so that all students can have access to a high-quality, safe, well-equipped space.

The Pitch

  • Nearly twenty years ago, thanks to the hard work and generosity of students, parents, staff and the community, we were able to ensure that our then brand-new school was provided with a high-quality grass pitch.
  • The pitch is of very high quality and extremely well drained, meaning it can be used the whole year round.
  • At present however, after nearly twenty years of use, the age and condition of the ball stop netting and goalposts mean that the pitch is not currently usable for several sports and activities.
  • Funds raised will therefore be used to replace/install new ball stop netting and for the purchase of UEFA-rated soccer goals and equipment to ensure this outstanding facility can be used to its full potential and for the benefit of all students

The equipment and works required to achieve these goals are by their nature expensive and so we aim to complete this work in three phases over the next three years (or as soon as funding allows):

  • Phase 1
    • Begin replacing and renewing the equipment and facilities in the Fitness Suite
  • Phase 2
    • Complete expansion and renewal of the Fitness Suite
  • Phase 3
    • Complete upgrading, renewal and installation of new equipment on the pitch.

Our goal for this year’s 5K is to enable us to complete Phase 1 of the project over the summer of 2024.

How Can I Help?

This initiative is very much a whole-school project.


  • Students have been provided with a sponsorship card for the 5K run that will take place on Sports Day (3rd May 2024).


  • Parents can contribute at any time using the Way2Pay. Simply log in as normal, select ‘Sports Fundraiser’, and enter the amount you wish to contribute.
  • Do you work for a company that has a community outreach/support programme that may be interested in contributing funding? Pass on our details or let us know who to contact.

The School

  • We are contacting all suppliers and contractors who work with the school to seek contributions.
  • We have applied for the Physical Activity in Teaching and Learning Pilot Programme recently announced by Minister for Sport and Physical Education, Thomas Byrne TD.

As we embark on this venture, we remember our late friend, colleague and Chaplain Fr PJ Nyland. Throughout his many years of dedicated service to our school and our community, Fr PJ was a tireless champion and advocate for the value of sport in the lives of young people. We pray for his blessing on our endeavours and hope this project can help us to ensure that the joy and love for sport that were so much a part of who PJ was and of the message he so passionately shared throughout his life and work will continue to improve the lives of our young people for many years to come.

As ever, we are deeply grateful for your continued support.