Work Experience and Mock Interviews

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We hope this letter finds you safe and well. We are writing to you in relation to TY work experience and mock interviews. We were delighted to welcome back our TY students after the Easter break following a most successful and busy second term. 

 As you are aware all TY students completed a final work experience block last week Monday April 15th – Friday April 19th 2024. Students should return their completed work experience diary which is in their portfolio to Ms. Savage by Wednesday April 24th. There is also a section in the work experience diary for parents/guardians to complete in relation to work experience, this can be found on page 42 of the TY portfolio. 

Tuesday April 23rd all TYs will attend a mock interview here in school. There will be no classes for TYs that day. Several students have not yet sent their CV for interview to their career guidance teacher. Please ensure your son/daughter has sent their CV to either Ms. Canty ([email protected]) or Ms. Brooks ([email protected]).

TY students have a busy term ahead with several exciting activities and workshops, please see below for key dates and activities. Letters in relation to trips will be sent before each trip. 

  • Wednesday April 24th Botanic Gardens trip/retreat rang 4 O’Reilly
  • Thursday April 25th Botanic Gardens trip/retreat rang 4McKeon
  • Wednesday May 1st Botanic Gardens trip/retreat rang 4Dalton
  • Thursday May 2nd Eisht workshop rang 4EConlon
  • Friday May 3rd Sports Day/Fun Run
  • Thursday May 9th BaySports
  • Tuesday May 14th Memory Box Interviews
  • Thursday May 16th TY Grad at 18.30 

Yours sincerely,

Aisling Savage, TY Coordinator, Sarah O’Neill, TY Moltóir, John McCarthy, Deputy Principal