Dear Parent,
As part of the Social, Personal and Health Education curriculum your son/daughter will be offered a module on Relationship and Sexuality Education during SPHE class this year. This is a continuation of the programme taught here in previous years.
There is a link available to view on the school website if you would like more information on the content being taught. This is also available through your son/daughter’s SPHE teacher should you require a hard copy.
If you decide that you do not want your son/daughter to receive this module in school then please write a note into school in your child’s dialann within the next three days. Should you choose this option then arrangements will be made to remove your son/daughter from the class during the lessons and then as a parent you take on the responsibility of teaching RSE. Should you have any other questions please contact Ms O Sullivan/Ms Martin at the school and they will try to answer any concerns you may have.
Yours faithfully,
The SPHE Department