Transition Year Parent Teacher Student Meetings 23-24

Parent Teacher Student Meetings

This year’s TY Parent-Teacher-Student meetings will take place on Thursday, March 14th from 16.15 to 18.45.

The meetings will be hosted online using your child’s school Microsoft Teams account..

Note that, TY PTS meetings take a different format to those for other year groups.

For the TY PTS meetings, because students have too many subjects/modules to be able to meet all their teachers in one evening, each student is instead assigned to a single teacher and will have a single meeting on the night. In that meeting, the teacher assigned will use the student’s recent report to guide the discussion on their progress and participation in TY to date.

As usual, it is expected that both you and your child will be present for the Teams meeting. Students are not permitted to attend the meeting on their own.

Please note the following important information:

Scheduling Your Meeting

In order to schedule the online meetings, we first need to establish whether or not you are able to attend. 

Click the button below to confirm that you will attend the meeting on Thursday 14th March.

If you are not able to attend, you do not need to fill in the form.

  • Note that only those who click below to confirm they will be attending will have an appointment scheduled for them.
  • Please click below to request your appointment before 17.00 on Thursday 7th March 2024.
  • Appointments will be scheduled for a 5 minute slot between 16.15 and 18.45 on Thursday, 14th March 2024.

Please Note the Following Important Points:

  • Meetings are strictly limited to 5 minutes duration.
  • You will receive details of your scheduled appoinment in advance of the meeting. Note that all meetings will be scheduled between 16.15 and 18.45 on Thursday, 14th March.
  • If you wish to arrange a meeting with any of your child’s subject/module teachers on a separate date, please contact them directly through your child’s Dialann.
  • On the day of the meeting, you and your child should log in to your child’s school Teams account to access the meeting at the scheduled time.
  • Once you join a meeting, you will enter a ‘waiting room’ and your child’s teacher will admit you and your child to the meeting at your scheduled time.

If you have any difficulties, please contact [email protected] for assistance.

Thank You.

Sarah O’Neill

TY Moltóir

John McCarthy

Deputy Principal