First Year Updates – September 2023

I would like to begin by expressing my overwhelming sense of pride in each of our first-year pupils and how they have settled into Ratoath College. They have made an exceptional start regarding their attendance and punctuality and their school uniform. Please find below a few areas we would like to bring to your attention.

Transition from primary school

The students should be very proud of how they have adapted in these first few weeks. They have shown great enthusiasm and a positive approach to their learning. There is a great energy within the group, and I am hearing positive things from pupils about their many new subjects. The transition from primary school can be a challenging time as pupils try to navigate their way. To support pupils, they meet their Caomhnóir (class tutor) every morning for registration and have a weekly Tutorial. We will use this time, along with their SPHE class to continue to help the students settle into life at Ratoath College.


The Dialann (diary) is the main form of communication between school and home. Teachers will regularly write notes informing you of areas where your son/daughter is excelling or areas where they need improvement, also of any important notices or discipline issues. It is imperative that you check the Dialann daily to monitor and keep abreast of your son/daughter’s progress. Please sign notes in the comment section daily to let us know you have received and read any communication from school. It is also a record of their points for the class competitions. The notes at the back of the Dialann should be used to communicate any absences or any early excuse absences. That said, it is expected that as far as possible appointments are scheduled outside of school time.


Pupils should record all homework in their dialann, including if this homework is to review their notes from class or study for an upcoming test. First year pupils should be spending 1 hour on their homework each evening. This may vary depending on their timetable. When going to their lockers at the end of the school day students should use their dialann to ensure they bring the necessary books and equipment home for the evening.

Mobile phones

Pupils are not permitted to use their mobile phone during the school day. If a pupil brings their mobile phone to school, it should be switched off and left in their locker. Should a pupil be on their mobile phone, this will be confiscated by a member of staff and the offence recorded in your child’s dialann.

Microsoft Teams

All students have been added to Microsoft Teams pages for their subjects. Materials and resources from each of their subjects will be added to their Teams page. Should students be absent from school it is important they use Teams to catch up on work missed. There is a year group noticeboard page where I will post important announcements and messages around extra-curricular activities. This page should only be used by pupils for issues around school and school related activities.

Assessment and Reporting

Eportal is the platform used for the publishing of pupils’ progress reports, all pupils have recorded their login details in their dialann. Progress reports will be issued for students at the end of October 2023, this reporting and feedback from teachers will form a critical part of the learning process for pupils. First-year pupils will sit their first set of formal school exams in January 2024.


I would like to thank you all for your support and engagement across these opening weeks of your child’s secondary school journey and I look forward to continuing to work with you as we support your child.

If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact myself or any member of the First-Year team.

Aisling O’Toole (1st Year Moltóir)

Conor Delaney, Mary Freeman, Joseph Jordan, Kerry-Lynn Martin, Ben O’Dwyer, Neasa O’Sullivan, Simon Toner (1st Year Caomhnóirí)