Updates for 2023-2024 & Return to School Dates

With the summer break now well underway, we trust you are enjoying the sunshine. The State Exams are proceeding well, with Junior Cycle exams finishing up today. 

Please note below some important updates in relation to the new school year, including return dates for all year groups.

Student Direct Costs 2023-2024

Thank you most sincerely to all who have already completed their 1st and 2nd instalment payments or the full payment of Student Direct Costs for 2023-2024.

A reminder that the due date for the 3rd and final instalment is Wednesday, 12th July.

We are acutely aware that many of our families will be experiencing challenging financial circumstances that will make it difficult for them to pay the Student Direct Costs for next year. If you find yourself in this situation, please make contact with the school in confidence as soon as possible.

If you have any queries in relation to payments, please contact the Main Office:

Phone: 01 825 4102

Email: [email protected]

Students Not Returning

A reminder that if your child is not returning to the school in September, please let us know as soon as possible by contacting the Main Office.


Uniforms are available from and Blondelles.

For incoming first year students, visit the First Year 2023-2024 page on our website for more information on uniforms and uniform fittings.

Click/tap below to view our updated School Uniform policy.

Book & Equipment Lists 2023-2024

Click/tap below for Book & Equipment lists for 2023-2024.

End of Year Assessment & Reports – 1st, 2nd, TY & 5th Year

End of year assessment reports for 1st, 2nd, TY and 5th year students will be available next week (week beginning Monday 19th June) via ePortal. 

We will let you know by text message when reports are live.

If you are unable to log in to ePortal, please contact the Main Office for assistance.

A reminder that reports on ePortal may not be viewable using the Safari browser on iOS-based devices. We recommend using an alternative browser such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge, or downloading the report and viewing using a PDF viewer app such as Adobe.

Child Safeguarding

Please note that our Child Safeguarding Statement has been updated for the 2023-2024 school year, see below.

Options Subjects for 1st and 5th Year Students

As work continues to finalise the timetable for the new school year, please note that students beginning 1st and 5th year in September will be notified of the options subjects assigned to them as soon as possible.

Students in 1st and 5th year will have the opportunity to change their options, subject to availability of places, in September. Please note that this change window does not operate on a ‘first come first served’ basis. 

Return to school dates

See below return dates and times for all year groups for August.

In particular, we are looking forward to welcoming the newest members of the Ratoath College community, our new First Year students, at 14.00 on Thursday, 24th August.

Also included below is the draft calendar for the school year 2023-2024. 

Please note that this calendar is produced to allow forward planning. It will not be updated during the course of the school year. Please refer to the school website calendar for accurate and updated information throughout the school year.