Transition Year Newsletter

Dear Parent(s)/Guardians,

We hope this newsletter finds you well. We have a number of items that we would like to bring to your attention as your son/daughter completes the first half term of Transition Year.


This year the theme for TY is “Disney”. Throughout the year this theme will feature in the TY programme from modules to artwork to class symbols and activities both inside and outside of school.

TY Portfolio

All TY students have now been given a TY portfolio. Students should bring this to school everyday and it should be placed on their desk in each class along with their school Dialann.  


As you are aware we use the Dialann as the main form of communication between school and home. Teachers will regularly write notes informing you of areas where your son/daughter is excelling or areas where they need improvement, also of any important notices or discipline issues. It is also a record of their TY points. It is imperative that you check the Dialann on a daily basis to monitor and keep abreast of your son/daughters progress. Please sign notes in the comment section on a daily basis to let us know you have received and read the same.

Work Experience 

All TY pupils will attend work experience for four weeks throughout TY. There are 3 blocks, the dates for these are Monday November 13th – Friday November 17th (1 week), Monday January 15th – Friday January 26th (2 weeks) and Monday April 15th  – Friday April 19th  (1 week).

The opportunity to undertake work experience is a fantastic way for pupils to gain an insight into a field that they ae interested in so we would urge them to carefully consider possible options. If students wish to undertake a TY work placement outside of these times you must apply on their behalf in writing to Ms. Savage giving adequate notice. These will only be facilitated for TY specific programmes or exceptional placements which could not be facilitated during the given weeks. 

Students have been given a portfolio which contains a work experience diary to reflect on their work experience placement. This diary should be completed each day each day of their placement. There is also a space in the diary for parents/guardians to reflect on the work experience placement, if convenient, this should be completed and signed also. A letter and form for their employers is also included in the portfolio, this letter and form should be given to their employer on the first day of their placement. 

Attendance and Punctuality

We would first like to congratulate the majority of the students who have excellent attendance records through Junior cycle; this is commendable and a credit to them and to you. It is imperative that every effort is made for students to attend on a regular basis. If your son/daughter is sick please contact the school and leave a message on my extension before 8:30am or send an email to  [email protected] or their caomhnóir. Please keep us informed of any planned absences and may we remind you that a written explanation in the Dialann is required when your child returns to school following an absence. Where possible holidays and medical/dental appointments should be made for outside school hours. Registration is recorded during assembly and any student who does not present will be marked absent on the official register. Students should be in their classrooms prior to 8:40 to ensure that they have time to get their books and materials ready for their classes. Where students are unavoidably late they must sign in via the main office.

Contacting teachers 

Where there is a concern in a particular subject, we ask that you contact the subject teacher first. If your concern is of a pastoral care nature please contact the caomhnóir or if there is a serious concern please contact the Moltóir Ms.O’Neill at [email protected]. Where the concern is related to work experience please contact Ms.Savage at [email protected].


The standard of uniform is excellent in TY. Thank you for your support with the uniform policy. The correct items of the uniform and shoes are detailed on Pgs. 28 – 30 of the Dialann. We are very proud of our uniform and the respect students have for it. It is important to maintain these standards. Please ensure that your student wears the correct full uniform to school. In senior cycle students who arrive to school in the incorrect uniform will be sent home to change.


In their portfolio, students will be given a TY contract which must be signed by the student and parent(s)/guardian(s) and returned to their caomhnóir by Friday September 22nd 2023, for students to be permitted to attend any trips. 

Procedures for Transition Year trips

It is important to note that staff accompanying any trips are doing so on a voluntary basis with a view to enhancing the Transition Year experience for all students.

  • The aforementioned TY contract must be signed 
  • A Permission slip for each trip must be completed, signed and shown to the caomhnóir/class teacher/ Moltóir or Co-ordinator as instructed at least two days prior to the date of the trip.
  • Attention must be paid to the correct uniform. Students will be notified if they may wear their full P.E. uniform otherwise full uniform is required. Only the appropriate P.E. uniform is acceptable.

Please sign in your son/daughter’s Dialinn to indicate that you have read, and understand, the above procedures in place for TY trips. 


All TY students attended their first TY trip on Thursday August 31st when they travelled to Bray in Co. Wicklow to complete the Ireland’s Fittest Family/Hell & Back obstacle course. Despite the somewhat adverse weather conditions they students gave it their all and had a wonderful day. Hopefully this is the beginning of many great days to come.

Upcoming Important Dates

Monday & Tuesday September 25th & 26th Lilliput Trip

Wednesday September 27th Sports day

Thursday & Friday September 28th and 29th school closed

Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday & Thursday October 2nd ,  3rd & 4th  Dogs Trust talks

Monday & Tuesday November 21st  and 22nd  Drama workshops with actor George McMahon

Monday – Friday November 13th -17th Block 1 of work experience.

Friday December 8th – Thursday December 14th Christmas village

Thursday Dec 21st Belfast trip

Yours sincerely,

The Transition Year Team