Updates: February 2024

Ahead of next week’s mid-term break, please see below some important school updates, including information on academic reports:


As always, we are pleased with the pride and respect that students show their school uniform. Over the last number of weeks however, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of students coming to school in non-uniform dress. In particular, please note the following reminders:

  • Shoes must be plain black leather, without noticeable or coloured texts or logos. Canvas or fabric shoes are not acceptable.
  • Items of PE uniform may only be worn on days when students have PE.
  • Particularly considering the inclement weather of late, students and parents are reminded that only the crested school jacket may be worn to school. Second hand school jackets, which are extremely warm and water proof, are available from the school office. Students arriving to school in a non-uniform jacket may be sent home to change.

Classroom Based Assessments (CBAs)

A reminder that Second Year students will be completing CBAs in all subjects over the course of remainder of the year. For most subjects, the CBA block lasts 3 weeks.

Third Year students will be completing CBAs in Music and Irish.

You can view the schedule of CBAs for the various subjects here.

More information about CBAs and the Junior Cycle curriculum can be found here.

New Entrance

The long awaited new and permanent entrance to the school onto the new Outer Relief Road is due to begin construction during the week after our return from the mid-term break, 19th February. The contractors have advised that their work will take in the region of 12 weeks. Construction has been planned so as to avoid disruption to traffic in the school, however please be mindful of construction traffic and workers on site when driving in the school over the coming weeks.

School Tour

A group of senior Artists and Classicists depart for Florence and Rome on Monday. We trust you will join us in wishing them a safe, enjoyable and fulfilling trip.


Following Assessment Week in January, academic reports are now available on ePortal for the following year groups:

  • First Year
  • Second Year
  • Third Year
  • Fifth Year

Sixth Year Mock Exams are externally marked and have now begun returning. Sixth Year Mock Exam reports will be available once all exams have returned from marking.

Transition Year Assessment Reports have also been distributed today. Due to technical challenges with our database system, these reports cannot be made available on ePortal. Students have been issued with a hard copy report in school today. If you would like an electronic copy of your child’s report, please contact Ms O’Neill by email.

Please note, Reports on ePortal may not be viewable if using the Safari browser on an Apple device. Alternatively, we recommend using a different browser (such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge) or to save the Report to your device and open it using a PDF viewer such as Adobe.

To login to ePortal, use the link below or the ePortal button at the top of the school website.

Please note the following important information:

  • To ensure you are able to login correctly, only use the ePortal link on the school website.
  • If you have any difficulties logging into ePortal or accessing your child’s Report once logged in, please contact your child’s Caomhnóir for assistance.
  • Please note that attendance data displayed on ePortal should not be relied upon as accurate.